Monday 4 March 2019

Group 18
Monday, 4 March 2019
We met in lower kantina at 10:30 but Rayan was taking a dump so we had to wait until 11:00 for him to show up. So far we know that three of us are taking only ESS, Gizelda takes Biology and Rayan Physics.
Rayan suggested that we should make a survey of energy consumption in E-building. Electrical appliances usually have the maximum power output measured in kWh on the back. After we have collected data there we calculate the average energy consumption per day. Assuming that today is an average day, we will conduct our survey. The survey will be posted on Facebook and sent out by mail, in order to make sure everyone is aware of the fact we are collecting data and can be more conscious about the appliances they use and the amount of time they use them for.
I suggested that we put up sign up sheets on doors in E-building where people enter information about when they enter the classrooms and when they leave, plus their names. The appliances measured will be the lights, heaters, and ventilation. Once we get the data we add them all up inside brackets and multiply them by the number of hours they are used for.

Johana Calkova (me) - Blogger, Collector of Data
Michelle Phúc Bùi - Collector of Data
Gizelda Florindo - Collector of Data
Laura Leal de Souza - Collector of Data. Time Measurer
Rayan Rabbani - Coordinator, Physicist, Collector of Data


  1. The appliances will have the power in kW marked on them rather than the energy in kwh.

    1. Thank you for your feedback :) It's corrected now.
